The Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management Forum (commonly referred to as the Noise Forum) was created to address community noise concerns and make recommendations to the Port of Oakland’s Executive Director on noise related issues at Oakland Airport (OAK). Noise Forum representatives include the Port Director of Aviation and one elected official and one citizen from six neighboring cities as well as Alameda County. The Noise Forum facilitates cooperation between the Port and local communities.
Noise Forum meetings are held quarterly (January, April, July, and October) on the third Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., at the Port of Oakland Board Room, 530 Water Street, 2nd Floor, in Oakland’s Jack London Square. Meetings are open to the public. Noise Forum meetings are facilitated by a consultant who also provides administrative services and coordinates activities with the Noise Abatement and Environmental Affairs Office. Agenda and minutes are mailed out in accordance with Oakland’s Sunshine Ordinance, which requires that information be made available 10 days before the meeting. The Noise Forum is not subject to the Brown Act or Sunshine Ordinance; however, every effort is made to follow the noticing requirements of the Sunshine Ordinance.