Polite Pilots Make Progress on Noise Abatement in Third Quarter
2,326. That is the number of times that corporate pilots taxied to Runway 30 and followed noise abatement procedures during takeoff at OAK last quarter. That’s a 94 percent compliance rate. So, we want to say thanks to every polite [...]
2022 Fleet Week Operations at Oakland International Airport
Information about 2024 Fleet Week operations. Fleet Week 2022: Oct. 2-10 OAK will serve as the temporary home to most of the Air Show performers: Blue Angels other military aircraft aerobatic aircraft Description of General Activity During Fleet Week, Blue [...]
Oakland International Airport Launches Updated Fly Quiet OAK Website
After many months of hard work and dedication from the Freshtracks team, OAK is pleased to announce the launch of our updated website! Our primary goal during the redesign process was to create a more valuable, user-centric and responsive [...]
Polite Pilots Advance Noise Abatement Efforts in Last Quarter at OAK
2,948. That is the number of times that corporate pilots taxied to Runway 30 and followed noise abatement procedures during takeoff at OAK last quarter. That’s a 95 percent compliance rate. So, we want to say thanks to every polite pilot [...]
Why Oakland International Airport Pilots Uses Runway 30 for Flight Operations
One of the main noise abatement procedures that the OAK Noise Management Program focuses on is encouraging all corporate pilots to depart from Runway 30. But why? Why, when a runway sits right outside the corporate hangars, do pilots [...]
Taxiway Victor & Bravo Rehabilitation Project at Oakland International Airport
Taxiway Bravo is one of the longest taxiways at the airport and connects the North and South Fields. The Taxiway Victor & Bravo Rehabilitation Project will repave the existing taxiways and upgrade in-pavement guidance lights. The project scope includes all [...]