Operations are Normal on North and South Fields at the Oakland Airport (OAK).

Community Info

2024 Fleet Week Flight Operations at San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport

Fleet Week 2024: Oct. 6-14 OAK will serve as the temporary home to most of the Air Show performers: Blue Angels other military aircraft aerobatic aircraft Description of General Activity During Fleet Week, Blue Angel operations are anticipated off the North Field during many of the times listed below, and residents off the departure end of Runways 28L/28R will experience an increased level of noise. On arrival, Blue Angel aircraft typically perform a “carrier break,” which generally brings the aircraft overhead of the airfield, after which time they will initiate a descending 270 degree right turn towards [...]

September 11, 2024|Categories: Community Info|

Taxiway W Phase 2B Project at San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport

The rehabilitation of Taxiway Whiskey (W) continues with the portion between W4 and W6 slated for closure to complete improvements. This project is funded through the FAA Airport Improvement Program. During this work, portions of Taxiway W will be closed Monday, Aug. 12, through Friday, Aug. 30, from 5:30 a.m. to midnight. Closing portions of Taxiway Whiskey may impact operations on the main runway, which could result in additional jet departures and arrivals on North Field. Aircraft may overfly residential areas and residents may experience unusual aircraft noise. Dates are subject to change. Download the project map (PDF) [...]

August 7, 2024|Categories: Community Info|

OAK Runway 12/30 Pavement Repair Project Begins May 2024

The Port of Oakland is responsible for maintenance of all pavement at OAK, including airfield pavement for taxiways, runways, aprons, and vehicle service roads. Inspections performed as a part of the ongoing maintenance and monitoring of critical Port infrastructure revealed that preventative maintenance was necessary for the primary air carrier runway, Runway 12/30, at OAK. The specific area to be repaired entails two patches, approximately 28 feet wide and 1,100 feet long on either side of the runway centerline. In addition, pavement cracks suitable for conventional crack sealing will also be addressed at this time. The Runway 12/30 pavement repair [...]

April 22, 2024|Categories: Community Info|

OAK Launches Web Portal with Location-Specific Airport Information

Discover how OAK and the surrounding airspace operate specific to your location with the new InsightFull application San Francisco Bay San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport’s Noise Office has launched a new web portal geared toward providing location-specific information for the communities surrounding OAK. The new platform, called InsightFull, is a self-serve web portal that helps residents better understand the impacts airport operations may have in their communities. InsightFull empowers residents to self-investigate, with easy-to-understand dashboards that provide answers to the specific questions they have around airport noise and operations. In the new portal, residents can view flight [...]

April 15, 2024|Categories: Community Info|

2023 Fleet Week Flight Operations at Oakland International Airport

Information about 2024 Fleet Week operations. Fleet Week 2023: Oct. 1-9 OAK will serve as the temporary home to most of the Air Show performers: Blue Angels other military aircraft aerobatic aircraft Description of General Activity During Fleet Week, Blue Angel operations are anticipated off the North Field during many of the times listed below, and residents off the departure end of Runways 28L/28R will experience an increased level of noise. On arrival, Blue Angel aircraft typically perform a “carrier break,” which generally brings the aircraft overhead of the airfield, after which time they will initiate a descending 270 [...]

September 20, 2023|Categories: Community Info|

Taxiway W Rehabilitation Project

Taxiway W is one of the most used taxiways at the airport. Inspections performed as a part of the Airport Pavement Management System (APMS) identified Taxiway W as a top priority for rehabilitation and the Phase 1 section identified in the project map as the most critical. The rehabilitation of Taxiway W is anticipated to be completed in phases over the next two years. The Taxiway W Rehabilitation Project will repave the existing taxiway and upgrade in-pavement guidance lights. The project scope includes pavement and lighting work on Taxiway Whiskey (W), lighting work on Taxiway Uniform (U), and temporary [...]

July 5, 2023|Categories: Community Info|
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